Book Chapters and Invited Contributions
M. Brill and V. Conitzer. Strategic voting and strategic candidacy. In S. Kurz, N. Maaser, and A. Mayer, editors, Advances in Collective Decision Making: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century, Studies in Choice and Welfare, pages 69–84. Springer, 2023. [ link ]
M. Brill. From Computational Social Choice to Digital Democracy. In Z.-H. Zhou, editor, Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Early Career Spotlight Track, pages 4937–4939. IJCAI, 2021. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill. Interactive Democracy: New Challenges for Social Choice Theory. In J.-F. Laslier, H. Moulin, R. Sanver, and W. S. Zwicker, editors, Future of Economic Design, pages 59–66. Springer, 2019. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, and P. Harrenstein. Tournament Solutions. In F. Brandt, V. Conitzer, U. Endriss, J. Lang, and A. Procaccia, editors, Handbook of Computational Social Choice. Cambridge University Press, 2016. [ amazon | pdf (whole book) ]
M. Brill. Mengenwertige Lösungskonzepte in Spieltheorie und Social-Choice-Theorie. In S. Hölldobler et al., editors, Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2012, volume D-13 of GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 41–50. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2013. [ link | pdf ]
Journal Papers
M. Brill, J. Israel, E. Micha, and J. Peters. Individual Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting. Social Choice and Welfare, 64(1–2):69–96, 2025. [link | pdf ]
N. Boehmer, M. Brill, and U. Schmidt-Kraepelin. Proportional Representation in Matching Markets: Selecting Multiple Matchings under Dichotomous Preferences. Social Choice and Welfare, 64(1–2):179–220, 2025. [ link | pdf ]
J. Israel and M. Brill. Dynamic Proportional Rankings. Social Choice and Welfare, 64(1–2):221–261, 2025. [ link | pdf ]
Markus Brill, Rupert Freeman, Svante Janson and Martin Lackner. Phragmén’s voting methods and justified representation. Mathematical Programming, 203(1–2):47–76, 2024. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, P. Gölz, D. Peters, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and K. Wilker. Approval-based apportionment. Mathematical Programming, 203(1–2):77–105 2024. [ link | pdf ]
L. Sánchez-Fernández, N. Fernández García, J. A. Fisteus, and M. Brill. The Maximin Support Method: An Extension of the D’Hondt Method to Approval-Based Multiwinner Elections. Mathematical Programming, 203(1–2):107–134, 2024. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and W. Suksompong. Margin of Victory for Tournament Solutions. Artificial Intelligence, Volume 302, 2022. [ link | pdf ]
S. J. Brams, M. Brill, A.-M. George. The Excess Method: A Multiwinner Approval Voting Procedure to Allocate Wasted Votes. Social Choice and Welfare, 58:283–300, 2022. [ link | pdf (read-only) ]
A. Pommerening, M. Brill, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and J. Haufe. Democratising forest management: Applying multiwinner approval voting to tree selection. Forest Ecology and Management, 478:118509, 2020. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, T. Fluschnik, V. Froese, B. J. Jain, R. Niedermeier, and D. Schultz. Exact Mean Computation in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 33(1):252–291, 2019. [ link | arXiv ]
H. Aziz, F. Brandl, F. Brandt, and M. Brill. On the tradeoff between efficiency and strategyproofness. Games and Economic Behavior, 110:1–18, 2018. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, J.-F. Laslier, and P. Skowron. Multiwinner Approval Rules as Apportionment Methods. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 30(3):358–382, 2018. [ link | arXiv ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, and P. Harrenstein. Extending tournament solutions. Social Choice and Welfare, 51:193–222, 2018. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, H. G. Seedig, and W. Suksompong. On the structure of stable tournament solutions. Economic Theory, 65(2):483-507, 2018. [ link | pdf ]
H. Aziz, M. Brill, V. Conitzer, E. Elkind, R. Freeman, and T. Walsh. Justified Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting. Social Choice and Welfare, 48(2):461- 485, 2017. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt and M. Brill. Computing dominance-based solution concepts. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC), Volume 5, Issue 2, Article 9, 2016. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, and W. Suksompong. An Ordinal Minimax Theorem. Games and Economic Behavior, 95:107-112, 2016. [ link | pdf ]
H. Aziz, M. Brill, F. Fischer, P. Harrenstein, J. Lang, and H. G. Seedig. Possible and necessary winners of partial tournaments. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 54:493-534, 2015. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, E. Hemaspaandra, and L. Hemaspaandra. Bypassing combinatorial protections: Polynomial-time algorithms for single-peaked electorates. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 53:439-496, 2015. [ link | pdf ]
H. Aziz, F. Brandt, M. Brill, and J. Mestre. Computational aspects of random serial dictatorship. ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 13(2):26-30, 2014. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and P. Harrenstein. Minimal retentive sets in tournaments. Social Choice and Welfare, 42(3):551–574, 2014. [ link | pdf ]
H. Aziz, M. Brill, and P. Harrenstein. Testing substitutability of weak preferences. Mathematical Social Sciences, 66(1):91-94, 2013. [ link ]
H. Aziz, F. Brandt, and M. Brill. The computational complexity of random serial dictatorship. Economics Letters, 121(3):341–345, 2013. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and J. Hoffmann. The computational complexity of weak saddles. Theory of Computing Systems, 49(1):139-161, 2011. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and P. Harrenstein. On the complexity of iterated weak dominance in constant-sum games. Theory of Computing Systems, 49(1):162-181, 2011. [ link | pdf ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, P. Harrenstein, and J. Hoffmann. Computing Shapley’s saddles. ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 8(2), 2009. [ link | pdf ]
Conference Papers
🆕 T. Bardal, M. Brill, D. McCune, and J. Peters. Proportional Representation in Practice: Quantifying Proportionality in Ordinal Elections. In Proceedings of the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2025. Forthcoming.
M. Revel, N. Boehmer, R. Colley, M. Brill, P. Faliszewski, and E. Elkind. Selecting Representative Bodies: An Axiomatic View. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) Blue Sky Ideas Track, 2024. [ arxiv ]
N. Boehmer, M. Brill, A. Cevallos, J. Gehrlein, L. Sánchez-Fernández, and U. Schmidt-Kraepelin. Approval-based committee voting in practice: A case study of (over-)representation in the Polkadot blockchain. Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 9519–9527. AAAI Press, 2024. [ link | arxiv ]
M. Brill and J. Peters. Completing Priceable Committees: Utilitarian and Representation Guarantees. Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 9528–9536. AAAI Press, 2024. [ link | arxiv ]
A. Imber and J. Israel and M. Brill and H. Shachnai and B. Kimelfeld. Spatial Voting with Incomplete Voter Information. Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 9790– 9797. AAAI Press, 2024. [ link | arxiv ]
M. Brill and J. Peters. Robust and Verifiable Proportionality Axioms for Multiwinner Voting. Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), page 301. ACM, 2023. [ link | arxiv ]
M. Brill, E. Markakis, G. Papasotiropoulos, and J. Peters. Proportionality Guarantees in Elections with Interdependent Issues. Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 2537-2545. IJCAI, 2023. [ pdf ]
M. Brill, S. Forster, M. Lackner, J. Maly, and J. Peters. Proportionality in Approval-Based Participatory Budgeting. In Y. Chen and J. Neville, editors, Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 5524-5531. AAAI Press, 2023. [ link | pdf | arxiv ]
M. Brill, H. Dindar, J. Israel, J. Lang, J. Peters, and U. Schmidt-Kraepelin. Multiwinner Voting with Possibly Unavailable Candidates. In Y. Chen and J. Neville, editors, Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 5532-5539. AAAI Press, 2023. [ link | pdf | full version ]
N. Boehmer, M. Brill, and U. Schmidt-Kraepelin. Proportional Representation in Matching Markets: Selecting Multiple Matchings under Dichotomous Preferences. In P. Faliszewski and V. Mascardi, editors, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS, 2022. [ pdf | arxiv ]
M. Brill, T. Delemazure, A.-M. George, M. Lackner, and U. Schmidt-Kraepelin. Liquid Democracy with Ranked Delegations. In V. Honavar and M. Spaan, editors, Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2022. [ pdf | arxiv ]
M. Brill, J. Israel, E. Micha, and J. Peters. Individual Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting. In V. Honavar and M. Spaan, editors, Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2022. [ pdf | arxiv ]
A. Imber, J. Israel, M. Brill, and B. Kimelfeld. Approval-Based Committee Voting under Incomplete Information. In V. Honavar and M. Spaan, editors, Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2022. [ pdf | arxiv ]
J. Israel and M. Brill. Dynamic Proportional Rankings. In Z.-H. Zhou, editor, Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 261–267. IJCAI, 2021. [ link | pdf | arxiv ]
L. Sánchez-Fernández, N. Fernández García, J. A. Fisteus, and M. Brill. The Maximin Support Method: An Extension of the D’Hondt Method to Approval-Based Multiwinner Elections. In K. Leyton-Brown and Mausam, editors, Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 5690–5697. AAAI Press, 2021. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and W. Suksompong. Margin of victory in tournaments: Structural and experimental results. In K. Leyton-Brown and Mausam, editors, Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 5228–5235. AAAI Press, 2021.
[ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, P. Gölz, D. Peters, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and K. Wilker. Approval-based apportionment. In V. Conitzer and F. Sha, editors, Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 1854–1861. AAAI Press, 2020. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, and W. Suksompong. Refining tournament solutions via margin of victory. In V. Conitzer and F. Sha, editors, Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 1862–1869. AAAI Press, 2020. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, P. Faliszewski, F. Sommer, and N. Talmon. Approximation Algorithms for BalancedCC Multiwinner Rules. In N. Agmon and M. E. Taylor, editors, Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS), pages 494–502. IFAAMAS, 2019. Shortlisted for the AAMAS 2019 Best Paper Award. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill. Interactive Democracy. In M. Dastani and G. Sukthankar, editors, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) Blue Sky Ideas Track, pages 1183–1187. IFAAMAS, 2018. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill and N. Talmon. Pairwise Liquid Democracy. In J. Lang, editor, Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 137–143. IJCAI, 2018. [ link | pdf ]
M. Brill, T. Fluschnik, V. Froese, B. J. Jain, R. Niedermeier, D. Schultz. Exact Mean Computation in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces. In Proceedings of the 18th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2018. [ link | pdf | arXiv | venue ]
P. Skowron, M. Lackner, M. Brill, D. Peters, E. Elkind. Proportional Rankings. In C. Sierra, editor, Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017. [ link | pdf | arXiv ]
M. Brill, R. Freeman, S. Janson, and M. Lackner. Phragmén's Voting Methods and Justified Representation. In S. Singh and S. Markovitch, editors, Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), AAAI Press, 2017. [ link | pdf | venue ]
M. Brill, J.-F. Laslier, and P. Skowron. Multiwinner Approval Rules as Apportionment Methods. In S. Singh and S. Markovitch, editors, Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), AAAI Press, 2017. [ link | pdf | arXiv | venue ]
M. Brill, E. Elkind, U. Endriss, and U. Grandi. Pairwise Diffusion of Preference Rankings in Social Networks. In S. Kambhampati, editor, Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2016. [ link | pdf | venue ]
M. Brill, V. Conitzer, R. Freeman, and N. Shah. False-Name-Proof Recommendations in Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS, 2016. [ pdf | venue ]
M. Brill, R. Freeman, and V. Conitzer. Computing Possible and Necessary Equilibrium Actions (and Bipartisan Set Winners). In Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2016. [ pdf | venue | arXiv ]
V. Conitzer, R. Freeman, M. Brill, and Y. Li. Rules for Choosing Societal Tradeoffs. In Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2016. [ pdf | venue ]
V. Conitzer, M. Brill, and R. Freeman. Crowdsourcing Societal Tradeoffs. In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS) Blue Sky Ideas track. IFAAMAS, 2015. [ pdf | venue ]
R. Freeman, M. Brill, and V. Conitzer. General Tiebreaking Schemes for Computational Social Choice. In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS, 2015. [ pdf | venue ]
H. Aziz, M. Brill, V. Conitzer, E. Elkind, R. Freeman, and T. Walsh. Justified Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting. In B. Bonet, S. Koenig, editors, Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2015. [ link | pdf | venue ]
M. Brill and V. Conitzer. Strategic Voting and Strategic Candidacy. In B. Bonet, S. Koenig, editors, Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2015. [ link | pdf | venue ]
R. Freeman, M. Brill, and V. Conitzer. On the Axiomatic Characterization of Runoff Voting Rules. In C. E. Brodley and P. Stone, editors, Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2014. [ pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, and P. Harrenstein. Extending tournament solutions. In C. E. Brodley and P. Stone, editors, Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2014. [ link | pdf | venue ]
H. Aziz, F. Brandt, and M. Brill. The computational complexity of random serial dictatorship. In Y. Chen and N. Immorlica, editors,Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Springer-Verlag, 2013. [ pdf | venue ]
H. Aziz, F. Brandt, and M. Brill. On the tradeoff between economic efficiency and strategyproofness in randomized social choice. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), pages 455-462. IFAAMAS, 2013. [ pdf | venue ]
M. Brill and F. Fischer. The price of neutrality for the ranked pairs method. In J. Hoffmann and B. Selman, editors, Proceedings of the 26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 1299-1305. AAAI Press, 2012. [ pdf | venue ]
H. Aziz, M. Brill, F. Fischer, P. Harrenstein, J. Lang, and H. G. Seedig. Possible and necessary winners of partial tournaments. In V. Conitzer and M. Winikoff, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS). IFAAMAS, 2012. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt and M. Brill. Computing dominance-based solution concepts. In B. Faltings, K. Leyton-Brown, and P. Ipeirotis, editors,Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (ACM-EC), page 233. ACM Press, 2012. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt and M. Brill. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the strategyproofness of irresolute social choice functions. In K. Apt, editor, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK), pages 136-142. ACM Press, 2011. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, and H. G. Seedig. On the fixed-parameter tractability of composition-consistent tournament solutions. In T. Walsh, editor, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pages 85-90. AAAI Press, 2011. [ link | pdf |venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, E. Hemaspaandra, and L. Hemaspaandra. Bypassing combinatorial protections: Polynomial-time algorithms for single-peaked electorates. In M. Fox and D. Poole, editors, Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 715-722. AAAI Press, 2010. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and P. Harrenstein. Minimal retentive sets in tournaments. In W. van der Hoek, G. A. Kaminka, Y. Lespérance, and M. Luck, editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), pages 47-54. IFAAMAS, 2010. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and J. Hoffmann. The computational complexity of weak saddles. In M. Mavronicolas and V. G. Papadopoulou, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT), volume 5814 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 238-249. Springer-Verlag, 2009. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and P. Harrenstein. On the complexity of iterated weak dominance in constant-sum games. In M. Mavronicolas and V. G. Papadopoulou, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT), volume 5814 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 287-298. Springer-Verlag, 2009. [ link | pdf | venue ]
F. Brandt, M. Brill, F. Fischer, and P. Harrenstein. Computational aspects of Shapley’s saddles. In K. S. Decker, J. S. Sichman, C. Sierra, and C. Castelfranchi, editors, Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), pages 209-216. IFAAMAS, 2009. [ link | pdf | venue ]
M. Brill. Set-valued solution concepts in social choice and game theory: Axiomatic and computational aspects. PhD thesis, Technische Universität München, 2012. [ link | pdf ]